Sunday, October 7, 2012

Katie's prayer: SoulJahz's "Let Go"

Breathe in
Breathe out
and Let Go

This weekend:
Applefest Weekend
First Reconciliation Parent Meeting
First session of Confirmation

I was at the parish for 12 hours or more on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Today, I’ve been going since 7:30am Mass. Taking my first break right now. The evening won’t end until probably 7-7:30pm.

Many things this weekend to be stressful about - running low on volunteers, being the only one knowing how to make the apples and having to teach everyone else, not having much time to prepare for the first reconciliation meeting, forgetting the dvd in my office (15 minutes from where I live), not shopping for tonight’s dinner until last night/this morning, having the first session of Confirmation the same weekend as applefest (because I wasn’t thinking when I put it together), not having my phone with me right now because I forgot it at home, many apples still sitting here waiting to be sold (when we normally sell out by noon on Sunday), dishes piling up in my sink, having an (almost) even busier week next week, oh I could go on and on. This week had more than it’s fair share of potentially stressful moments. But yet, I’ve been oddly calm about it all. (Except maybe the extra apples thing)

Why the odd calmness? This song. It’s been on repeat in my car for this past week. It’s there reminding me of God’s presence. Reminding me that it’s ok if things aren’t perfect. Reminding me of something I’ve been learning recently - it’s not all up to me, God is the one in charge, He’s the one leading everything, not me. And as long as I let go of that control and let God (as they say) things will be ok, so there’s no need to stress.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for helping me not stres. But I still need a little help. The time to start is getting closer, those apples aren’t disappearing from that room, and I think my feet have finally given out on me.
God Bless!